• Your ideal customer already exists, and they’re already searching for your services or products. So let Lime Digital make sure they find you. It’s become clear that having a presence on the world's biggest search engine, Google, is a necessity for businesses to succeed these days. Google boasts 228,000,000, or 63,00 per second. That is insane. These sheer numbers are impossible for most people to get their head around, but it shows one thing for certain… people are searching for EVERYTHING. And this includes the products or services your business has to offer.

  • These numbers however, are a double edged sword. With such a saturation of searches and businesses online, how do you rise to the top?

    How do you make sure that one of these sixty three thousand searches every second leads someone to your business? While Lime Digital are firm believers of having a top notch SEO strategy to organically climb your way up the rankings, sometimes you need a quick fix. Sometimes you need to be more specific. Paid advertising on Google might be the answer.

  • Jump the Queue with Google Ads Have you noticed that the first few search results are tagged as an ad? This is the power of Google ads. These ads are tailored specifically to what the user is searching for, and if set up correctly, can mean that people actively searching for products or services your business offers can be led straight to your virtual door.

    Having a marketing budget set aside for Google ads is a shortcut to get in front of right people. The caveat is that in order to optimise and hone in on these potential hot leads, you want a company that is highly experienced Google campaign manager. Lime Digital can act as your paid ads agency to get the most out of your marketing spend, adjusting budgets, targeting and keywords to maximise and optimise your results. By allowing Lime Digital to optimise your ads as your Google campaign manager, we can squeeze every drop of potential out of your advertising spend, to improve your return on investment. More leads for less money, having an experienced google ad agency pays for itself.

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