• Search for items. Add to Cart. Checkout. It’s no wonder that customers have embraced online shopping and e-commerce with open arms.

    When it comes to running a business, no matter the type, ultimately the aim of the game is to sell. If you can't move your products efficiently and consistently, you run the risk of your business being dead in the water. Long gone are the days of consumers window shopping through malls, casually browsing before a sales person steps in to artfully convert a walk-in into a customer. The art of the sale has changed, but the objective of the business remains the same.

    Selling in the online space is all about convenience… what we call in the biz “the customer journey”. This is a fancy way of saying “what does the customer have to go through to purchase a product?”. While that can seem simple, there are many considerations for ecommerce web development to make sure we get the most out of potential buyers. Ensuring that users can easily navigate the site to find what they want, potential upsells, and ease of purchase are all parts of an extensive list of user experience requirements that go into creating a great ecommerce site.

    You never know what simple tweak may cause a boom in your conversion rate, and that is where the value of an experienced ecommerce development company like Like Digital comes into play.

  • Running An Ecommerce Website Shouldn’t Be A Headache

    But a slick front-end for your customers is only half the battle in the ecommerce world. Many businesses are crippled by their back-end. A well designed ecommerce solution shouldn’t only be a pain-free experience for the user… it should also be for the owner. Things such as Inventory and stock management, order tracking, and customer databases are all powerful tools that can boost your businesses performance, but they shouldn’t just be an addition to your workflow, they should enhance it. If executed correctly, a well developed ecommerce solution should make running your business easier, not harder.

    So whether your business is looking to revamp their current ecommerce website, or you’re looking to dip your toes in for the first time, let Lime Digital take the wheel. We can create an ecommerce solution custom fit for your business so that you can take advantage of the ever growing number of online shoppers.

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